Ruby Lotus Red Rents Women’s Healing Circle

about this event

1 sleep and our monthly red tent is here. The Ruby Lotus Red Tents is a safe and sacred space where women gather together to rest, to create, to nourish, and to dream. A co-created event. Space to just BE.
Simply a warm and safe space to gather and share. Facilitated by Regina & I (Ama’ritday) but the idea is to honor each of the women in the circle and the magic that’s created in the spaces between us. This circle is a safe space for women.

What to bring:
As we nourish our souls, we will nourish our bodies, nourishing infusions, teas & water will be provided
You may wish to bring a reading or idea to share, an insight into this month’s moon, a poem, or quote that inspires you.
If you want to perform a song, dance, poem, drum solo, monologue…we’re here to witness your magnificence!
You are welcome to step up and lead a short (5 minute) group activity: a guided meditation, movement, or breathwork exercise
Weave your experience and intention into the fabric of our Red Tent (literally).

Bring colorful bits of cloth, totems or ornaments to attach to our Red Tent. We have some beads and other supplies so you can create your own ornament onsite.
To register visit:
#rubylotusredtents #sacredwombmen ##wombhealth #mentalhealth #selfcare#iamsacred #redtent #wombynshealingcircle

#sacredwomen #wombblessing #wombhealing #doulaflow #brooklyn #bkdoula#doulabae #DONAProud #APassionforNewBeginnings #sacredhealthdoula#midhudsonvalley #mhvdoula #askamaritday #thematrona #moonmother